Sero Patrishi
Address :
Sero PatrishiDown town
Amenities :
- Parking
- Internet
- Fenced
Financial informations :
Rent | 1 650 fl / month |
Price in dollars | 943 $ |
Details :
Number of bedrooms | 3 |
Number of bathrooms | 1 |
For Rent
Two Story beautiful House in the neighborhood
of Sero Patrishi –Oranjestad.
Consists of 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom on the second floor
and Integral Kitchen, dining and living area on the first floor.
House is fenced and is on a paved street.
Includes water, wifi, cable and Serlimar.
Price Awg. 1650,- p/m
For more information please call us:
Maurer Real Estate N.V.
L.G. Smith Blvd. 116
O’Stad - Aruba
From Monday to Friday
9.00 a.m. till 5.00 p.m.
Or visit our website:
Or email us for more information: